Men's or Women's Jeans?
Pictured below are six pairs of jeans, front and back. Three are men's jeans, three are women's jeans. These jeans are basically the same size, that is, both the men's and women's jeans comfortably fit the same person. Can you easily pick out which jeans are men's and which are women's?
To be perfectly honest with you, I do not know which are which! I purchased these 6 pairs of jeans at the thrift store, and 3 pair were labeled as women's jeans on the inside tag, and 3 were labeled as men's jeans. I mixed them up so even I couldn't tell which were which, and, since I subsequently disposed of them, I can't check to see which are which. Some of the women's jeans looked more like men's jeans than the men's jeans did!