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This website is co-owned by Linda Kirk and Gwen Shorter. The Lord brought us together, and we have enjoyed working closely on this site. We finally met in person in April, 2010, and here we are!
Here are a few of the comments we have received from visitors to this site:
What an answer to prayer your website is. I was agonizing over what I saw in church yesterday and talking with my prayer partner this morning...we wondered if we had to start from scratch for dress reform. We felt so inadequate, but "here am I Lord, send me". I was just rebaptized and shocked at what I see in the church. God bless your work.
I just want to appreciate your effort in spreading the Dress Reform Message..Please keep it up..Sad to note that most professed believers dressed like the world..May the Lord be with you always.. 18 years old
I cannot begin to tell you how very pleased I was to find your website, "Remnant Raiment". The Lord has transformed my life in so many different ways including my diet, makeup, and my worship experience with him. I feel that the Holy Spirit has truly led in the formation of the creation of this website. The message is gentle, yet strong and convicts the spirit. Thank you for taking the time to be obedient to God in reaching his people with this very timely message and warning. Finding this website only confirmed what the Holy Spirit has asked to do...dress more modestly. My life will never be the same again. I will pass this web address on to just about everyone I know SDA or non-SDA. May God continue to bless you both as you continue to be a lamp in this world of darkness. God bless you!
I thank you for the time and efforts you have put into this website. I appreciate the burden you have for this important issue. I have been praying that many will become aware and responsive to the call of the Holy Spirit in this regard.
Timely - God spoke to my heart just this morning and I responded. Praise God for the beautiful website you've designed.
This is long, long overdue. Thank you for your efforts. I have noticed that in the modern type of worship services the issue of dress and adornment is left behind. Many are rejoicing that they can throw off the shackles which have restrained them all these years to adopt this new style. All the while Satan is behind this scheme to confuse and trick many of our dear church members. We are nearer the kingdom than ever before and issues are tightening...I have received more grief over this than any other issue which I have addressed as pastor. Too many of our members are in the dark and think that now the church will really grow with this new movement...all a deception. I wish you God's speed in all this.
Thank-you! This website really has come at a wonderful time for us. It has just been since this past summer that I've been more and more convicted of modest apparel. I have three little girls and it was been a blessing to see the change in their behavior when I started dressing them in more feminine skirts and dresses. Not that they were terrible before, but I have seen a subtle softness come over them. I myself can barely bring myself to wear my jeans anymore after wearing skirts all summer. They are so uncomfortable and restricting! It's been a challenge to find winter apparel in the stores. Better online, but such a gamble whether or not they'll fit right. Anyway, this whole concept and value has been a real blessing to our home. It has even made me more aware of my femininity and my role as a wife and mother. It has somewhat taken away some of the feminist culture that I feel is part of me...and am giving to God to remove. I am endeavoring to be my husbands help-mate and not his equal, or even boss. I have to say that this change has come from this move toward
I have needed this more than I would've thought. Thank you for being obedient to the Spirit of God and leading others to the truth. May God continue to bless you in this ministry till He come.
I do appreciate your work and want to let you know that this site is just what we need as Adventist Ladies. Please keep up the good work.
Hi. I really appreciate your web site. I have been going online for support in modest dressing for quite some time and am so happy to finally find an Adventist web site, what a blessing you all are.
Thanks again, I know that putting together a web site like this a lot of work and it is nice for you to know that the Lord is sending folks to your site and they are being encouraged and blessed.
I personally enjoy the testimonies that the other ladies share. Keep on doing His work.
Thanks for you timely ministry, it is much needed to get this out to our sisters in the faith.
I have been convicted on modest dress but did not address the issue immediately. God is so gracious that He gives us time but is persistent in His pursuance of our whole heart! I would like to thank the Lord for teaching me and a lot others through you. May he continue to give you both the strength and will to do his work. Thank you so much
I Praise The Most High God for this web site, I don't know how long you've been in existence but we've needed this for SO Long!! Thank you so much!! GOD Be With You!!!
Just wanted you to know how blessed I was by your testimony. I am amazed at how quickly the Lord has led you to the point where you have created this wonderful web site. The Lord led me into a friendship with a dear lady who opened my eyes to the significance of dress in the antitypical Day of Atonement. It changed my perspective entirely. I so appreciate your emphasis on the heart work that true dress reform demonstrates.
I have had a brief look at the website - and am very encouraged by what you have done - there is a desperate need for dress reform everywhere, and there are so few who are willing to embrace it, and stand on the counsel we have been given. Sad to say that much of the Spirit of Prophecy counsel we have on all subjects is sadly neglected by us as a church. So Praise the Lord! for the work you have done in getting the website up and running. I have been forwarded the link to the site by quite a few people - so it is doing the rounds over here - which is great - and I know all of our past students have been circulating it among the youth here - so I am sure your work will not be in vain!
I praise the Lord for the ministry that you are doing in sharing a call to modesty. We often feel very few and far between in our stand on Christian dress, but it is God's truth. It has been long neglected and cast aside. I hope that many other ladies will be led to see the importance of obeying God's timeless truth in this area.
I have been enjoying the material here on your website very much. I am using the resources here as study guides and I'd like to print pages off for my personal study journal.
Thank you so much for all the time & effort you are putting into this site. It has been a blessing and I like that what has been presented is not being shared in a pushy way, but in all love & meekness. May God continue to guide, direct, & bless the workings of your hands with this website.
Thank you so much for taking the time to make this website. The information here has really encouraged me. I started wearing dresses about two years ago as a result of reading the Bible and the book Counsels on Health. I grew up a Tomboy and the thought of wearing dresses seemed almost like a prison sentence, but more then anything I wanted to please my Jesus, so I determined to make the change. It was hard for a while because I was so aware that I didn't fit in anymore, but God rewarded me so very much with the peace that He only can give. Now I feel much more comfortable and respected in dresses then I ever did in pants. I live in a cool place (Alaska) but God had shown me how easy it really is to stay warm, and yes even warmer in dresses then in pants. God is so good. I long to help other ladies learn of the true blessing that comes from following this counsel from God. Once again, thank you so much for your website.
Hi. I really appreciate your website and have passed it onto others. I have read the Shorter's book on Dress and am now reading their book on jewelry. Both are very good and I have been inspired and encouraged.
Food for thought. Thank you again for such a great site, I have been greatly blessed and ministered to.
Thank you for having the courage to put together this page and to gather all of this data. I am very impressed with what you are doing. Please keep up the good work. This is greatly needed by our people today. God bless you.
A special thank you for following God's leading and speaking up. Many years ago I began wearing long period dresses as a new SDA at the time of the US bicentennial. One very hot summer day while going into a store a man about 50 approached me with, "Excuse me. I just want to let you know how nice it is to see a lady dressed as a lady," turned and walked away. I looked around and every female I saw was scantily clad. That experience has been a great encouragement to me over the years.
Thank you for such a well-done SDA website! As soon as I found this site I shared it with three friends. I wondered why other religions had "dress reform" websites and we SDAs didn't. God is leading me step by step. Although I can shop wherever I like, I have found some quality, modest clothing in thrift stores (a new for me). Thank you again!
An SDA friend sent me the link to your website. Praise God for your work here with this website and your burden to spread this message. I am SDA and have been impressed for years now by the Spirit of God that we women should be dressing with distinction/modesty.
I am really thankful that God put it on your hearts to have this website. I am convicted by this message and grateful for the insight. You have answered a need in the church today. Pray that we will have the courage to obey despite what others may say.
Thank you for this site. I have been asking a "reformer" for their book on the subject, and they simply will not share. I prayed about this, and this is an answer to prayer, to help me have resources to help my church members. Thank you so much. God bless.
It is certainly wonderful that you have committed yourself to educating others upon the point of dress and spirituality.
This website is so refreshing--I just love it !!!!!
I believe that as a special people raised up to special work for God need to follow Gods principles. It breaks my heart to see some of our 'ladies' dressed like men and like street walkers especially in the sanctuary. Do they not realize that they are in the presence of a Holy God? What I see is rebellion in our women. I am no different than others. But when I came into the faith I was very much into the world with dress and diet. I believe that most of us have the problem of loving ourselves more than God, because if we loved Him the way we should, we would not have a problem with any of His requirements. It would be wonderful if one could share the message and that it would not anger people. That they would understand how much they are loved and that we want to see them in the kingdom.
I knew I was not alone on these issues. I am glad to have found this link; I feel very encouraged, thank you !
God is very particularly about the way we dress. I have proven this. He is taking me on a journey with this dress reform. God is awesome. He numbers our very hair. Of course he cares about the way we dress.
What a wonderful website! While most of our church has grown comfortable with modern, unfeminine styles (or styles which reveal too much femininity), He is really working on the consciences of a few right now.
Your website is very well done, and needs to get out to more people. I appreciate that you don't come across "harsh and judgmental", though I am sure you have/will be accused of that as the Holy Spirit pricks the consciences of SDA readers.
May the Lord bless you richly as you lift up the standard of truth for all of us. But please know that there will be a price to pay. I trust you have counted on that.
I praise God for what you are doing.
Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront. We are to be a peculiar people seeking a heavenly kingdom with it's righteousness, but the "church" is now looking as the world looks with all its customs.
Thank you for the good teaching in this subject matter. It is a shame to the body of believers (Christians) that they want to conform to the wicked ways of the world, including provocative dress and Jezebel-looking makeup and jewelry! Please keep up the good work.
Your doing a good job here. Keep it up. And may God continue to bless your ministry.
Thank you for helping to elevate God's people in the area of dress. May the Lord bless your efforts in this important subject.
Blessings on you for being willing to speak out on this important topic!
Thank you for bringing this to the forefront! It is becoming more and more an issue. Especially in regards to our children. We need to be less conforming and more 'peculiar'.
I very much like your web site and have shared it with many people. I have read a lot but not nearly all of the resources you have made available. Thank you for being willing to put so much effort into an excellent public outreach. I have been blessed with dress reform for about 12 years, thanks to my daughter for giving me a push.
This week a stranger asked me if we were Mennonite. I said no, he asked what. I said SDA. I remarked that most SDAs don't look like me. He said Yes, I know I have friends that are SDA. I said most SDAs are worldly. Yes he said my friends who are SDAs are very worldly. He then asked if we lived off the land. It all seems to go together.
It doesn't really matter what I think God wants us to do. What matters is what God thinks about it. The counsel is very plain.
I was convicted about dress reform when I was reading the Testimonies through. Earlier convictions were stifled by the people I was listening to.
Dress reform is a forgotten blessing like many other blessings that have fallen to the side to make way for the world. May God help each one of us not to put His standards to the side.
I really appreciate your web site. Thank you for taking the time to put it together and maintain it.
Thank you for this survey I hope that there are many more people out there that hold my same views on this topic. Thanks for putting this together. And for your wonderful site for young people to come to hear the truth. God bless you and your ministry as you seek to point others to Him.
I just pray that your attempts to help church people to turn to God and His Word will be richly rewarded
I have been searching on this matter of proper dress and adornment for a couple of years now. So far, I had relied on many non-SDA sources that seemed to agree with the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. I wondered what was happening to us SDA's. I am so glad a friend sent me a link to your website. I rejoice with such a treasure of information and affirmation for doing God's will in this area or Christian lifestyle. Thank you so much, and God bless you!! Keep on while it's day, for the night comes when none can work...
Sadly the love of dress seem to control the people consciences, the danger is that it could become an idol that they worship, because whatever we love more than our God becomes an Idol. If the dress is the center of everything in our heart there is no place for the Spirit of God to dwell. The Lord says you are My temple. We can profess to be Christians yet if we are not transformed by His grace feeding on His word everyday and putting into practice and sharing it, we deny the form of true Christianity.
I believe 100% that God wants the best for His children and that's the reason for so many reforms: dress, health, character, food, etc. He wants to have us in His kingdom and we would not be able to be there as polluted as we are; we would not be happy in the society of the holy angels if He would allow us to be there.(EGW) The Spirit of Prophecy is never outdated for any subject. If all would really do what God inspired this woman to write, we would be in heaven already, enjoying the presence of our Lord!
Thank you for all the prayer, effort and time put into this website. I just forwarded the email I received to each of my church family.
Thank you for what you are doing and the courage that God has given to you to be used for His glory. I pray that you will keep your courage high.
Thank you so much for all these very encouraging articles, and resources on this website! My resolve and conviction has been strengthened as a result! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
I'm sure I am in a minority on this issue. I've been to a men's retreat (I helped with music, playing the piano for their singing) where the topic was addiction to Porn & how to gain victory. Most of these men give no outward indication of their fierce struggle within. They dare not even open the Sears catalog, because they inevitably gravitate to looking at the underwear section and it plunges their minds into the sensual, degrading thought patterns they are so desperately trying to overcome. How can we as Christian women, add to their temptations & struggle by saying "that's your problem, I'm going to do what I want, no matter how it affects you". How callous of us. Our job, our privilege as Christian women, is to uplift the thoughts of those around us to Christ, and to me that is impossible when we are calling attention to ourselves by our state of undress, wearing revealing clothing. God is not honored by that attitude. And that's my view on the subject.
Who are we to pick and choose what we want to believe/practice from the Spirit of Prophecy. Once we do that, we eventually will walk away from ALL Spirit of Prophecy counsel and ultimately Scripture principles.
Thank you for your website. It really hit me recently of the Laodicean Church in Revelation 3:17 being naked. I have often wondered how the church is naked. I believe it is very obvious to anyone familiar with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy (EG White). It causes me great pain and sadness in heart that our sisters in our churches are not being taught or shown by demonstration of being modest and dressing with distinction from men. ..Anyway, thank you for all you are doing, your website was shared with me and I have shared it with others. The Lord lead me into the truth about this subject long before your website, but praise God for all you are doing to reach out to our sisters and brethren in God's remnant church. God bless!
Dear sisters in Christ, your brother down here in Argentina is a SDA Lay Missionary Pastor and as I read ALL your materials in less than 2 hours, I just can PRAISE our Lord for what HE is doing, taking all of us, sisters and brothers BACK to the GARDEN, yes Before sin entered, since that's where we really are going, isn't it? Opening my heart, as I read and read, tears of joy and also of past sins of mine (very related to the issue) came back, thank God, I am forgiven, but we have to work hard for other to also see and take advantage of what God is permitting us to do and experience. Our whole family, for years have practiced what heaven taught us about not swimming mix, about dress reform and other related topics and when today, brother and pastor David Gates shared your website with us (we currently live and serve God in Argentina, South America) I thanked and praised our wonderful Lord and Saviour for what HE is doing and motivating others to do in order to prepare a HOLY PEOPLE for ETERNITY, may God help and keep all of us in ONENESS with HIM! Amen. Please pray and see that your website can be translated to Spanish, German, Portuguese and any other language, even if its via the internet translation system, or Google. You can be assured that my wife, our daughter of 19, our son of 18 and your brother and servant are and will be praying for you and ALL of GOD's Remnant PEOPLE, what a day and JOY when JESUS comes, to be able to meet HIM and also all of you, our dear spiritual FAMILY, Maranatha!