(Secular quotes are marked in pink.)
In our baptismal vows, members of the Seventh-day Adventist church have declared that we have renounced the world and its sinful ways. This article is written specifically for Seventh-day Adventist women, about a topic that is rarely discussed among us. We will be considering the appropriateness of the wearing of jeans for a Seventh-day Adventist Christian girl or woman. Most of us have never even considered that wearing jeans may be a
questionable practice. Perhaps it's time to take a closer look.
Let's make something perfectly clear. This article is not against jeans, per se. Jeans can be very practical and appropriate when used for the purpose for which they were originally invented, durable clothing for the working man. But they have taken on other roles, and we need to make certain that we don't get caught in the misuse of this article of clothing. We need to learn what it means to “use this world as not misusing it. For the form (fashion) of this world is passing away.” 1 Cor 7:31.
While we are not to “follow the fashions of the world” we can safely wear them if they conform to all of God's principles. So, we need to evaluate the fashion of women wearing jeans, and see if it follows all of the principles that God has outlined for us.
“As a people who are preparing for the soon return of Christ, we should give to the world an example of modest dress in contrast with the prevailing fashion of the day.” {CG 424.4}
Our attire should give an example of modest dress, in contrast with the prevailing fashion. What is the most popular fashion of our day for women? Without a doubt, it is the wearing of jeans! Just look around the next time you go out in public. The vast majority of women wear jeans most of the time. How can we give a contrasting example if we look just like them?
Considering the principles given in the Spirit of Prophecy, we are counseled that:
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is immodest.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it encourages doing away with the distinction between men and women's clothing, blurring gender boundaries.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it encourages frequent changing of styles.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is extravagant.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it embraces a corrupt, immoral movement.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is idolatrous.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is unhealthful.
We will be looking at some historical and current facts regarding the wearing of jeans by women. Quite a few excerpts will be taken from various articles on the Internet. (While we are providing links for the sources, we certainly don't approve of the immodest graphics found on their pages!)
America is in love with jeans! “ Jeans are an American fashion icon - everyone wears them from Joe the Plumber to Heidi Klum. They're a fashion staple, a wardrobe essential, and a statement about the wearer. It would be difficult to find anyone of any age or social demographic who doesn't own several pair.” http://hubpages.com/hub/Jeans-to-Fit-and-Flatter-all-Women
What is the origin of jeans from a historical perspective, and how did they become so popular?
SAN FRANCISCO (September 16, 2009) – Seventy-five years ago, Levi Strauss & Co. took a risk that forever changed the course of women's fashion. In the fall of 1934, the company introduced “Lady
Levi's® jeans” – the world's first jeans made exclusively for women (www.womensjeans75.com). Originally created as men's workwear, jeans are now a fashion must-have around the globe, with women's jeanswear leading the way in denim trends each season.
Jeans were originally created by Levi Strauss & Co. for working men in 1873, but the category has since seen a dramatic shift with the advent of the first jeans for women. Today, new fits, fabrics and finish innovations are typically first developed to meet women's needs and tastes and are driven by the demands of the women's market. In fact, sales of women's jeans surpassed men's in 2000, making women the leading consumers of denim in the United States.
Despite the latest high-tech finishing techniques for women's jeans, today's most popular styles – the Boyfriend and Skinny jeans – trace their ancestry back to the earliest jeans developed by Levi Strauss & Co.
Last year, the Boyfriend jeans exploded on the fashion scene when trend-setting celebrities were spotted in Los Angeles wearing men's 501® jeans.
Levi's® Skinny fit jeans are another fashion must-have this season. Though the fit was originally created by the Levi's® brand in the 1960s, the jean has been redesigned to offer a more flattering look to women, with a slim leg and fashionable washes.
“Women have truly embraced jeans and made them the cornerstone of their wardrobes. We are just as focused today as we were in 1934 on creating great fitting jeans that make women feel unstoppable.”
Fourteen years after women won the right to vote nationally, women's jeans were born in September of 1934 when Levi Strauss & Co. created Lady Levi's® jeans. The line was developed for Western women who had begun wearing men's Levi's® jeans on ranches and farms, and for women to wear to a popular new vacation destination – dude ranches.
“Levi Strauss & Co.'s decision to create a line of women's Levi's® jeans was very progressive at the time,” said Lynn Downey, Historian for Levi Strauss & Co. “Pants still weren't an acceptable part of a woman's wardrobe, let alone a style of pants considered to be men's workwear. The Lady Levi's® line offered forward-thinking women a new sense of freedom – and though this new-found liberation started in the West, it eventually became a nationwide phenomenon.”
The evolution of women's jeans:
•Pre-1934: Women in the West began wearing their husbands' or brothers' Levi's® 501® jeans, the original blue jeans first created in 1873. These pants were sturdy enough to handle the rough life of a rancher. These original Levi's® 501® jeans worn by women foreshadow the current “Boyfriend” jeans popular today.
•Today: The Levi's® brand remains the top seller of women's jeans worldwide and continues to offer the hottest styles for the fall and holiday season 2009, the Boyfriend and Skinny fits. http://levistrauss.com .
From a website for feminists, we find this assertion:
Hailing itself as the inventor of women's jeans, Levi's celebrates the 75th anniversary of women in denim. First introduced to male laborers in California in the 1850's, jeans became a symbol of empowerment for women as an alternative to more feminine clothing. http://www.feministing.com/archives/018102.html
In light of this information, we need to evaluate what is the appropriate way for Seventh-day Adventist women to relate to the fashion of wearing jeans, so that we don't inadvertently participate in something that is promoting worldly values.
We are warned against following the fashions of this world. “As we bear testimony against pride and following the fashions of the world, we are met with excuses and self-justification. Some urge the example of others.” {4bSG 66.1} The fact that “everybody's doing it” does not provide license for us to do it.
"How contrary to the principles given in the Scriptures are many of the modes of dress that fashion prescribes!" {CG 433.1}
The principles of dress that God has given us in the Spirit of Prophecy are worthy of our diligent study. While certain specifics may be outdated, the principles are timeless and solid.
"The idolatry of dress is a moral disease. It must not be taken over into the new life. In most cases submission to the gospel requirements will demand a decided change in the dress." {CG 432.4}
"No Christian can conform to the demoralizing fashions of the world without imperiling his soul's salvation." {RH, March 31, 1891 par. 7}
In the 1864 Webster's International Unabridged Dictionary, demoralize means: To corrupt or undermine in morals, to destroy or lessen the effect of moral principles on.
Moral relates to defining what is good and right in God's eyes. We call the 10 Commandments the moral law. If any
fashion that tends to lessen the effect of God's moral principles, which would include fashion that encourages pride, lust, self-worship, homosexuality and other moral sins, that particular fashion would be considered a demoralizing fashion. These fashions are positively dangerous for Christians to follow.
As this article is being written, there are two styles of jeans that are at the top of the list for popularity: the skinny jeans and the boyfriend jeans. They typify two extremes, the very tight jeans and the baggy jeans that look almost like men's jeans.
We will address these two styles in particular, the tight and the baggy jeans. Even though they may soon be “out-of-style” other styles will cycle that have been “in-style” at some time in the past, with variations.
The wearing of tight jeans accentuates the female form, and leaves very little to the imagination. Tight jeans worn by women encourage lust, which breaks the moral principle in Matthew 5:28. Therefore, it qualifies as a demoralizing fashion, which Sister White warned us against.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is immodest.
Tight jeans on women are immodest. Most men would agree that: “Tight jeans are sexy. There is no question about that. Women wearing tight jeans are instant head-turners .”
This point is unlikely to be argued. Men know it all too well, and women should know it. When a girl or woman appears publicly in tight jeans, she is potentially tempting her brothers to sin against God by encouraging them to lust. There is a possibility that some Christian women are not aware of this fact. They may be just trying to “fit in” with society, and, because few are saying anything negative about the wearing of tight jeans by Christians, she assumes it is perfectly acceptable. But the silence of humans does not guarantee the approval by God.
If we face the reality that men are strongly tempted to lust when they see a woman in tight jeans, we need to recognize this as a very immodest practice.
The Origins of Tight Jeans
The tight jeans are an old fashion item of the 80's that has come back with a bang. Their return has seen many teenagers hitting the fashion shops to at least get a pair of the adored apparel. The idea behind these jeans is to show off shapely bottoms, calves and legs. However, middle-aged women who are young in spirit have their share as designers have come up with exciting trends to comfortably fit these women.
The ‘father' of tight jeans especially in the US is the Rock ‘n' Roll icon Elvis Presley who in the 50's used to wear his pair of tights jeans on all his public appearances. Wearing tight jeans used to be taboo in the reserved societies as it was seen as an immoral way of flaunting one's body. They believed that the attire was supposed to improve one's sex appeal to the opposite sex. http://hubpages.com/hub/Tight-Jeans
We won't dwell on this point, because it is all too obvious. No one should need to be convinced that tight jeans on women are immodest. Therefore, wearing tight jeans is definitely a demoralizing fashion, unacceptable for God's chosen daughters.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it encourages doing away with the distinction between men and women's clothing, blurring gender boundaries.
Our Seventh-day Adventist youth are not being taught the dangers of fashion. They don't understand the importance of maintaining a plain distinction between the sexes.
Baggy jeans are designed to look more masculine than tight jeans. While tight jeans accentuate the female form, baggy jeans mask the female form so that the distinction between the sexes is undermined, especially if the shirt or hair style is not distinctly feminine.
That takes us to the latest trend: baggy “boyfriend” jeans.
A newer trend among girls though is the boyfriend jeans. It first appeared just as girls wearing their boyfriends' pants but it now has become its own cut in the fashion industry. http://www.youthink.ca/yt/blogs/stylishmind/fall-trends-2009#ixzz0WcH3EUY3
Apparently boyfriend jeans are not just for adult women anymore. Gap now has "boyfriend" jeans for young girls, all the way down to age 4 .
Here's a little history on the baggy “boyfriend” jeans:
Back in the late '80s, men and women folded the cuffs of their jeans tightly around the ankles, often extending them a bit higher than their sneakers. The sheer retro appeal of the fad might be to blame for its resurgence in 2008, but the love affair was truly rekindled after actress Katie Holmes was spotted wearing the jeans out and about. Pretty soon, actresses everywhere were sporting the uber-casual [super casual] style. Though the present-day jeans closely resemble those worn in the '80s – with a few updated tweaks and a couple of big name designers adding major leverage, of course – the difference is in the way the entire ensemble is styled. Vhttp://shoes.lovetoknow.com/What_Shoes_to_Wear_with_Cuffed_Jeans
This is really quite amazing. A young celebrity, Katie Holmes, shows up in public wearing men's jeans. And before you know it, it's a huge fad, and of course the jean manufacturers are right there to cash in on it. So they create a
line called “boyfriend” jeans that are basically designed to look like men's jeans. Some girls have discovered that actual men's jeans are less expensive and will fill the bill just as well, so they have gone into the men's section to get their jeans, so they can be “in-style.”
For every young mum juggling a hectic work schedule and the demands of motherhood can be tough but Katie Holmes seems to have perfected the art of both, even it means she has to neglect her sense of style and wear her husband's jeans.
As she left the New York rehearsals for Broadway play All My Sons the mother-of-one was pictured wearing yet another pair of baggy turned-up boyfriend jeans, that would look more at home on husband Tom Cruise, an equally masculine checked shirt, teamed with loafers, a grey scarf and huge sunglasses.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1044809/Katie-Holmes-slips-boy-jeans-10th-time-fortnight-Toms-turn-up.html#ixzz0X4a4weSB
When women dress like men, it causes confusion. Gender boundaries are blurred, and homosexuality becomes more acceptable to society. Sister White made an amazing prophecy that has certainly come to pass. You can read more about this prophecy in other articles on this website.
The difference between the men and women's 501(r) is that the women's jeans will have a shorter rise than the men's rise and are available in smaller waist sizes. (A lower waistline is deemed to be more “sexy.”)
Right now the trend is: women's jeans are getting baggier and men's jeans are getting tighter. The line between them is getting narrower.
Regarding the boyfriend style, many woman say that it's less expensive, and totally acceptable to just buy men's jeans to fit right into this style. They can see that the manufacturers have basically taken men's jeans and packaged them for women, in order to increase profits. And men are seeing that women's jeans aren't really that different from men's jeans, so they may find some women's jeans that fit their bodies better than the men's jeans.
The wearing of baggy jeans by women breaks the moral principle in Deuteronomy 22:5, by removing the distinction between men's and women's clothing, and blurring the gender boundaries. In appearance, it is very close to men's attire. Therefore, it is a demoralizing fashion. Notice the following:
During the recent years jeans have been partly replaced by dresses, leggings and other designers' stuff. However, they are back with us and now they are very Mannish! It's new denim jeans trends 2009!
Generally the idea currently being propagandized by celebs is not new as girls used to like visiting men clothes' department to try on some new modern pieces. For instance, girls from far ‘80s liked to “borrow” their boyfriend's stylish denim. And now we see the revival of this style in a woman's wardrobe.
I guess it happened because many girls are tired of those skinny clinging jeans that restrain movements much. They decided to sacrifice their sexuality to some extent and wear something more comfortable. Thus, mannish jeans are again accepted as the greatest trend of the season!
When Katie Holmes first wore denim of this type many critics started speaking about her fashion failure and declared that she'd broken her style. Since that time many more famous women have tried this style and apparently liked it!
At the moment fashion experts even started giving their advice on how to wear such jeans : with beautiful heeled shoes and sexy tops. The jeans themselves should be worn rolled up from below and look a little baggy and even shabby.
So, if you're young and have a nice curvy figure that cannot be hidden even under the baggy clothes this option is just for you! Make a standout, don't lose yourself in the crowd of ordinaries! http://www.millionlooks.com/outfits/womens-jeans-become-very-mannish/
Some older women and some overweight woman choose baggy jeans because they don't care to accentuate their figures. Perhaps they feel that they are dressing modestly if they wear baggy jeans. But then they run the risk of appearing masculine. And honestly, are baggy jeans really attractive on a woman? A fashion tip to those who wear plus sizes gives this advice:
Don't wear baggy jeans . While you may feel "safer" in baggy jeans, because they hide your figure, wearing baggy jeans will only make you look bigger. It's just like wearing a tent dress - those may look cute on twiggy-like girls, but if you're bigger, they make you look huge! Don't be afraid to buy jeans that are form fitting and hug your body. Those are the most flattering.
Baggy jeans, “boyfriend” jeans and masculine style jeans tend to do away with the God-ordained distinction between men's and women's clothing, therefore constitute a demoralizing fashion, unacceptable for daughters of God.
Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it encourages frequent changing of styles.
The changing of fashion is quite deliberate. We know from the Spirit of Prophecy that the frequent changing of fashion is Satan's invention:
"Satan stands in the background, devising the fashions which lead to extravagance in the outlay of means…No sooner is one style introduced than new styles are devised." {RH, March 20, 1958 par. 7}
"Satan is ever inventing fashions that cannot be followed except through the sacrifice of money, time, and health." {RH, March 31, 1891 par. 5}
"It was the adversary of all good who instigated the invention of the ever-changing fashions." {CH 91.2}
"The making of changes in apparel for the sake of fashion merely is not sanctioned by the word of God." {MH 290.1}
"He [Satan] invents multitudinous fashions, and tempts the women of the present day, as he did Eve to pluck and eat, to adopt and practice these ever-changing, never-satisfying modes." {WM 161.1}
"It is because they know not Christ and obey not the truth, that professed Christians can accept as their portion the pleasures of sense and the changing fashions of a fickle world." {RH, June 20, 1882 par. 15}
"We should not give a semblance of excuse to any for patterning after the worldly, changing fashions of this corrupt age." {DG 158.4}
The following secular source makes an obvious point about the changing styles of jeans. We conclude that jeans demonstrates this Satanic invention of frequently changing styles more than any other garment.
“Perhaps more than any other garment, jeans illustrate the cycles of fashion. Like a venerable grandfather clock, the pendulums of jean trends swing from high waist to low, dark wash to light, wide leg to straight, lavish embellishment to simplicity -- back and forth with a hypnotized public buying constantly to stay current.
There is an element of planned obsolescence in fashion. Profit-conscious designers understand that a small but disproportionately influential segment of the market always clamors for the next, the latest, the newest. So they constantly reinvent, drawing on what once was to create what is to come. Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06340/743776-314.stm#ixzz0WfjfIjTO
Because the fashion of wearing woman's jeans is obviously connected with Satan's invention of ever changing fashions, this adds yet another reason why jeans are not appropriate attire for a Christian woman. Not many women would be willing to wear obviously out-of-style jeans. Therefore, the jeans-wearing fashion constitutes a demoralizing fashion, unacceptable for the daughters of the King.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is extravagant. The wearing of designer jeans is extravagant.
Another obvious violation of God's principles on dress would be the expensive, extravagant designer jeans.
One example is the luxury jean, also known as "premium denim." These are meticulously constructed, decadently comfortable versions by high-end designer names such as Michael Kors and Dolce & Gabbana and cult brands like Stitch's and True Religion. Many shoppers are willing to shell out $200, $500, sometimes more than $1,000 for one pair. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06340/743776-314.stm#ixzz0WfjfIjTO
The desire to impress others, pride, and vanity cause one to desire “designer” jeans which leads to unnecessary expense. Even if the jeans are purchased at a discounted price, the influence on others will encourage extravagance. Therefore the wearing of designer style jeans is a demoralizing fashion, and is not suitable for Christian women who are preparing for the kingdom of heaven.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it embraces a corrupt movement.
“Women's” jeans didn't exist until 1934, but many women were wearing jeans before they were specifically marketed for women. These women were blatantly violating Deuteronomy 22:5. This wearing of actual men's clothing was much more grievous in God's sight than the American Costume of the mid-1800s, which only resembled men's clothing. And yet Sister White declared even the American Costume to be an abomination in God's sight. Surely, the wearing of men's jeans by woman in the early 1900s was an abomination to God. If those “pioneering” woman had never committed this blatant sin, women's jeans would have never been created. They were provided to for woman because the Levi company could see the potential to get make a lot of money. This sinful act by those early jeans-wearing women paved the way for today's jean-wearing woman. How can God approve of a fashion that was born out of defiance and rebellion of His moral law?
Singer and actress, Marlene Dietrich, pushed the envelope of the fashion-world by pioneering an androgynous look that has transcended into today's trends. During her career, Dietrich was frequently seen incorporating menswear into her wardrobe with boxy sport coats and high-waisted trousers. Her look evoked a stark contrast to the gentile and feminine silhouettes that were popular during the 1930's. http://www.stylehop.com/fashion-blog/2009/04/21/fashion-icon-marlene-dietrich/
Because of this “original sin” of women in wearing men's clothing, and huge tide of evil has resulted. We can expect to see more confusion and corruption in the future. Like the following:
More and more straight men are turning to women's jeans - and women's fashion in general - in search of more flattering cuts, cutting-edge styles, greater choice and a better fit.
Apparently there is a growing trend for men to wear women's jeans. With the girls in “boyfriend” jeans, and the guys in “girlfriend” jeans, the distinction between the sexes is becoming increasingly blurred. The following is evidence of the overspreading of abominations as one man declares:
"Women's jeans are more fashion-forward in shape and cut. They work really well for men who want to wear their jeans low on the hip and baggy around the top, but still want skinny legs."
In response to the increasing number of slimmer men buying women's jeans for a better fit, the edgy
denim brand Buffalo David Bitton has launched the girlfriend jean. The jodhpur jean, which was previously available only for women, has been relaunched in larger sizes, delivering the sought-after style to both sexes. When worn by a man, they become a low-waisted, slim peg leg.
With men finally catching on to the secret science of women's jeans, more and more of our other halves are straying into the women's departments of Topshop and H&M.
Sophie Barrett, PR manager at Urban Outfitters Europe, says: "We've definitely noticed more and more straight men shopping in the women's jeans sections.
"And it helps that we have no real boundaries between our men's and women's section, so there's much less stigma involved."
The original men's Levi's were the 501. Notice this ad:
Classic staple: Levi's 501 jeans for women offer all the comforts of the relaxed fit denim borrowed from the boys. Retail: $68.
The fashion of jeans wearing by women has confused the distinction between men's and women's clothing. This constitutes it as a demoralizing fashion, which is prohibited by the Bible. Here's a test to see if you can easily discern the difference between men's and women's jeans. Click here.
Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is idolatrous.
Many indications reveal that women have a problem with worshipping the fashion of jeans. Satan has successfully used the fashion of women's jeans to carry out many of his plans to destroy humanity, which include pride, lust, vanity, blurring the distinction between the sexes, and add to this, the sin of idolatry. To cause humans to rivet their affections on anything other than God fills him with a satanic delight. And many women seem to feel the pull of idolatrous addiction to jeans. Listen to these comments:
"If you have a pair of jeans that fits you well, it is one of the most powerful and emotional experiences you can have," Topher Gaylord said. "They give you unrivaled self-confidence." http://www.ocregister.com/articles/jeans-218462-women-denim.html
“Do you want to become a Jean Addict and feel the addiction on your skin? If not, we recommend that you the consumer walk away from this brand immediately. THIS COULD BE ADDICTING!! We have worked hard to bring you quality and assurance so you can get hooked with our brand and come back for more!. Jean Addicts mission is to celebrate and liberate the natural curves of a women's body and take on an addiction for its intense attention to detail and fashion-forward seams, to the remarkable embroidery and innovative denim vintage washes. Jean Addicts has distinguished itself as a coming brand with the mission to get you addicted to the wear, feel and to the natural high of confidence when all eyes are on you! Please only purchase Jean Addicts if you are ready to look and feel like you're on top of the world!” Jeanaddicts.com
Love affair with fashion: Bleach Jeans Trend Alert!!!
I love jeans as everyone does!! The hottest new jean trend is obviously the super bleached jeans!! Chickdowntown.com
Believing in True Religion jeans.
True Religion jeans are converting more people by the day. http://www.jeanaddiction.com/ (What religion is this???)
Ellen White gives strong warning about the enemy's plan to get us addicted to the things of the world:
"Satan is wonderfully successful in infatuating minds with the ever-varying styles of dress. He knows that while the minds of women are continually filled with a feverish desire to follow fashion, their moral sensibilities are weak, and they cannot be aroused to realize their true spiritual condition. They are worldly, without God, without hope." {3SM 245.2}
As you read the comments below that were posted on Internet fashion forums, you'll see how successful Satan has been:
I understand what you mean completely. I didn't have any TR's a few weeks ago and now I have 1 pair of Joey Destroyed, 1 Pair of Groovy's and I also have purchased a pair of R&R Wicked Raw Wash, 1 pair of Hudson Flap pocket Supermodel DAK, 1 pair of SFAM Dojo BKK and I'm looking for another pair of jeans today! I've spent a fortune, but the jeans are so fabulously wonderful that it's impossible not to love them. I personally think it's the feeling they make me have... I actually feel sexy because they're long enough and they fit so wonderfully. They're comfy, sleek, and the fit is to die for!
Is it worth the price? Maybe not full price, but if you can find these for great deals - I say, "what's the harm"? They're fab fab fab!
Denim Jeans are very addictive! You can easily become obsessed!
It's just crazy !, i got 8 of them already and i cant stop!, ist like doping, i guess?, not that i would know but im sure it feels pretty much the same, i mean TR jeans are more expensive that dopes!, thats just what i heard from other people!
“Feed your jean addiction . Low rise. Comfiest fit. Victoria's secret pink bootcut jeans.”
One female blogger writes:
Do you have an addiction? Not a dangerous one like drugs or alcohol, but a (relatively) harmless one that's become an integral part of your daily life? I'm addicted to jeans. For some reason, I just can't ever seem to have enough pairs of them. I manage to convince myself that each new pair is somehow better than the ones I already own, but yet I can't throw out/donate any of the older ones. As of right now, I have 21 pairs of jeans. Ummm, yes, I can acknowledge the ridiculousness of that, but that doesn't mean I am going to change it.
“I am addicted to jeans,” laughs Sônia Bogner. “It's like a kick, like with an athlete who always needs to push further ahead.”
Look at the names from the various "styles" of Old Navy jeans for women: Dreamer, Weekend, Skinny, Diva, Sweetheart, Flirt and Goddess. These names reveal a mindset not compatible with a pure, modest Christian woman.
Another web site declares “Check out the hottest jeans in town at the most amazing prices!! The new L.A. Idol Jeans are what everyone is talking about!! They are selling so fast, they are practically walking out the door!”
Then there are jeans called Addict jeans, Guess Rebellion Jeans , Idol Jeans. Even the world seems to recognize that idolatry is involved with the jean fashion. And then there are the Power Skinny Jeans from Guess. What is the source of the power in power jeans?
http://jeansmaniaforever.blogspot.com/ Jeans mania? Mania is a good word for it, meaning:
violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity. Delirium; Excessive or unreasonable desire; insane passion.
Ellen White refers to " the insane desire to conform to the fashions of the world." Notice her use of the word mania in the following quotation?
"Ambition, covetousness, the mania to follow the fashions, the customs, and practices of the world in order not to be thought singular, will soon obliterate all lines of distinction between the Christian's lines of pursuit and the practices of the world." {HP 165.2}
Janet Jackson, who is certainly not a role model for Christian women, declared that she “can't live without jeans.” http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06340/743776-314.stm - ixzz0WgbUAPC2
As Christians, we recognize that declaring we can't live without a certain material item is idolatry. Instead, Christian woman should turn from these fashions, recognizing that they truly cannot live without Jesus!
Seventh-day Adventist woman can discern if jeans-wearing is an idol to them if they find the idea of giving up their jeans to be a difficult struggle. If we have a hard time parting with a worldly practice, that shows how strong of a hold it has on us.
- Prevailing fashion must be rejected if it is unhealthful.
Tight jeans are unhealthful. Here's an Internet article entitled: Can Jeans Be Unhealthy for You?
We all have a favorite pair of jeans. Usually, our favorite pair of jeans is the pair that makes our booty look great. Many women enjoy wearing jeans that are a bit too tight, while others enjoy wearing jeans that are extremely too tight. Though they may be uncomfortable, you probably never thought that wearing jeans which were too tight could actually be unhealthy. Here, we will take a much closer look at some of the types of health risks that people who wear tight jeans often may experience
Vaginal Infections - Vaginal infections are the most common health risks that are associated with wearing jeans that are too tight for you on a frequent basis.
Infertility- Bacteria infections of the vagina are believed to be the main reason that infertility can be experienced among women who wear tight jeans on a frequent basis.
Digestive Problems - Many people are known to experience digestive problems when they wear jeans that are too tight for them. This is, of course, due to the fact that circulation is very poor and there is little restriction. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/350515/can_jeans_be_unhealthy_for_you.html?cat=69
Notice the comment in the article below, that “beauty is pain.”
"Skinny Jean Syndrome": Are Tight Jeans Unhealthy?
Skinny jeans are a popular fashion; you see them wherever you go and may have a pair of your own. But it turns out they could dangerous to your health. Now, one doctor is warning women against wearing the trendy skinny jeans….But this trend may be creating a whole new crop of fashion victims suffering from what neurologist Dr. Betty Mintz calls "the tight jean syndrome." Mintz said constant pressure from tight pants can injure a nerve in the thigh. When compressed it causes mild to excruciating pain. "There are people who come in and say it is absolutely the most horrible pain imaginable." "I still don't think women are going to give up their jeans. Beauty is pain," Huggins said. http://cbs4.com/health/jean.fashion.skinny.2.1033839.html
Experts are finding that women who wear too tight jeans run the risk of suffering from a nerve problem called meralgia paresthetica, reports MSNBC.com. Coupled with stiletto heels, the pressure these jeans put on the femoral cutaneous nerve that runs through the thigh can cause tingling and burning through the leg. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/health/2009/05/23/2009-05-23_are_skinny_jeans_bad_for_your_health_tootight_pants_can_lead_to_tingling_thigh_s.html#ixzz0X4VwiJUA
God gave us clear counsel through the writing of Ellen White regarding the danger of tight clothing:
“Let not Satan tempt you to crowd the delicate organs, so that they shall be trammeled in their work. Do not, because the fashion of this degenerate world requires it, so crowd the life forces that they will have no freedom. Satan suggested all such fashions, that the human family might suffer the sure results of abusing God's handiwork.” {YI, April 7, 1898 par. 8}
"The Lord, by close and pointed truths for these last days, is cleaving a people from out the world, and purifying them unto himself. Pride and unhealthful fashions, the love of display, the love of approbation, all must be left with the world, if we would be renewed in knowledge after the image of Him who created us." {PH159 69.1}
" Satan is constantly devising some new style of dress that shall prove an injury to physical and moral health; and he exults when he sees professed Christians eagerly accepting the fashions that he has invented. The amount of physical suffering created by unnatural and unhealthful dress cannot be estimated. Many have become lifelong invalids through their compliance with the demands of fashion...." {CH 599.1}
Below is an Internet article that lists 7 health problems from wearing clothes that are too tight: 
Here are some documented health problems from wearing clothes that are too tight:
1. Tingling Thigh Syndrome: Although rarely permanent, individuals who wear their jeans too tight can experience nerve problems called meralgia paresthetica.
2. Yeast Infection: When women's pubic areas are kept tightly under wraps, the area becomes very warm and moist. This makes it a breeding ground for bacteria and, as a result, can cause yeast infections.
3. Back Pain: When pants are too tight, and are low riding, this can cause nerve compression in the back (similar to the thigh problem above).
4. Fainting: Although the corset isn't as popular as it used to be; tight, constricting clothing can restrict our ability to fully expand our lungs...making our breathing shallow, decreasing our oxygen intake.
5. Acid Reflux/Heartburn: Tight pressure against your stomach can increase abdominal pressure, causing acid to go back into your esophagus, resulting in heart burn and acid reflux.
6. Abdominal Pain/Constipation: Tight pants can slow down the digestive process.
7. Headaches/Blurred Vision: Wearing button down shirts that are too tight in the collar or ties that are tied too tightly can decrease proper circulation to the brain and head.
So, next time you are tempted to buy a garment that is a bit on the tighter side, think twice. You might be putting your health at risk! http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/7-health-problems-from-wearing-clothes-that-are-too-tight-491072/
In summary, here are 6 reasons why the wearing of jeans is not appropriate for a Seventh-day Adventist women:
- The first women who wore them violated Deut 22:5.
- They are masculine (when worn in a masculine style, such as baggy)
- They are immodest (when worn tight)
- They are based on ever changing styles, which Satan inspires
- They tend to becoming addicting, which leads to idolatry
- They are unhealthful (when worn tight)
Even one of these reasons would give us sufficient reason to shun this worldly style of dress. But when added together, the facts give us overwhelming reasons why we should not be partakers of this worldly fashion.
One jean manufacturer at http://www.castlerockjeans.com/index.html has tried to “sanctify” women's jeans by embroidering scriptures texts on the back pocket of their “sexy” jeans. This is pure blasphemy!
The conclusion that many have reached as they study the Spirit of Prophecy, review the history of this fashion, and consider the current trend, is that the wearing of jeans by woman qualifies as a “fashion of the world,” in particular a “demoralizing fashion” of this degenerate age, and should by all means be avoided by those who are serious about preparing for Christ's soon return.
As women of God, we are to have a godly influence on society, helping them to reach a higher and holier standard. We cannot afford to participate with them in their idolatrous worship of fashion.
"The people of God should firmly uphold the standard of right and exert an influence to correct the wrong habits of those who have been worshiping at the shrine of fashion, and break the spell which Satan has had over these poor souls." {4T 571.3}
"My sisters, let us face the mirror of God's holy law, and test our spirit and character by the first four and last six commandments. The first four commandments require that we should love God will all our heart, might, mind, and strength; and anything that tends to draw the mind away from God, assumes the form of an idol, occupying the thought, and consuming the time, and crowding out of the soul-temple the spirit of Christ." {RH, June 2, 1891 par. 9}
"Our Creator demands our supreme devotion, our first allegiance. Anything which tends to abate our love for God, or to interfere with the service due him, becomes thereby an idol." {ST, January 26, 1882 par. 12}
"All that draws the affections from Christ is a detriment to the soul, and must be put away that the soul temple may be cleansed from all defilement. Unless the soul is emptied of its idols, you cannot comprehend the truth of God." {RH, June 21, 1892 par. 3}
"But those who wear the garb of Christianity, and yet who are governed by the fashions and maxims of the world, are moral corrupters. They claim to be seeking heavenly treasures, but the atmosphere with which their souls are surrounded is one that is charged with a deadly spiritual miasma, and they should be shunned by those who would remain unspotted by the world." {FE 298.1}
We are encouraged by the scripture in Acts 17:30: "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent." This is a call for our Seventh-day Adventist sisters to repent of their participation in this fashion of the world, and to turn away from it.
"Will the people search themselves? Will the shepherds do their work as faithful sentinels of God? Will they see what idols they are cherishing? Will every one that is in moderate circumstances consider that they are to be a people distinct and separate in their fashions of dress, their speech, their deportment, from the world? Will they see their idolatry in small as well as in large matters, and that it is separating them from God? When reproofs come they are ashamed, but not repentant. They have had great light, great opportunities, line upon line, and precept upon precept, but pride buds and blossoms in their apparel, revealing the thoughts and intents of the heart." (MS 52, 1898). {7BC 941.10}
"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17
As the precious light of truth is shining on our pathway, let us hasten to “walk in the light of the LORD.” Isaiah 2:5
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." 1 John 2:15-17 “for the fashion of this world passeth away." 1 Corinthians 7:31
As we consider all the information in this article, we see that the trend of women wearing jeans is deeply rooted in our society. The immodest and masculine issues that were of concern to Sister White in the mid 1800s when the American Costume appeared are extremely intensified. The excuses that men's and women's jeans are distinct cannot truly be upheld in light of the ever changing fashions and trends, and intentional blurring of the gender boundaries. Whether it's skinny jeans or boyfriend jeans or the many other popular styles, the wearing of these garments violate God's principles. We need to seriously consider if this is pleasing to God. If Deuteronomy 22:5 says what the obvious reading of it says, in many different versions, then God is not pleased with this fashion trend. If He is not pleased with it, should we be following it? Is it not time to turn away, and speak out against this fashion?
Let's take our stand against the demoralizing fashions of this world, which includes the wearing of jeans for women.